Heat Pump Services Winnipeg MB

#1 Heat Pump Installation Company In the Winnipeg Area

Heat pumps are a great way to keep your home warm in the winter and cool in the summer. At HVAC Repair Winnipeg we offer Heat Pump installation and maintenance at affordable prices.

Benefits of heat pump For Both Summer And Winter

In the summer, it takes the hot air from inside your home and moves it outside, reducing humidity inside the home and cooling it slightly and lessening the chances for mold growth. In the winter, it takes the cold air from outside converts it into warm air, and brings it into the house keeping the inside at a comfortable temperature. 

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Benefits of heat pump For Both Summer And Winter

In the summer, it takes the hot air from inside your home and moves it outside, reducing humidity inside the home and cooling it slightly and lessening the chances for mold growth. In the winter, it takes the cold air from outside converts it into warm air, and brings it into the house keeping the inside at a comfortable temperature. 

These types of heat pumps have a longer lifespan than traditional ones, and they are more energy efficient and safer to operate, unlike combustion-based heating systems, these don't rely on flame or combustion. They also reduce the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning or fires.

Heat Pumps - Different Types & Attributes

Air-Source Heat Pumps (ASHPs)

  • Pros: They are cost-effective to install, particularly in moderate climates, and can reduce electricity use by approximately 50% compared to electric resistance heating. Many modern ASHPs also perform well in colder climates, with models designed to work efficiently at sub-freezing temperatures.

  • Cons: Their efficiency drops in extremely cold weather, requiring a supplementary heating source. Outside units can be noisy and must be placed away from windows and neighbor's property.

  • Ideal Function: Best for moderate climates; newer models are making headway into colder regions.

Ground-Source Heat Pumps (GSHPs) or Geothermal Heat Pumps

  • Pros: They offer higher efficiency than ASHPs because they exchange heat with the ground, which has a more constant temperature than air. This results in lower operating costs over time and minimal visual impact on the landscape.

  • Cons: The initial installation cost can be high due to the need for drilling or excavation. The site must be suitable for the ground loop.

  • Ideal Function: Ideal for a wide range of climates, including those with extreme winter temperatures, and for properties with enough land for the ground loop system.

Water-sourced Heat Pumps:


Efficiency: Water has a consistent temperature, providing a reliable source of thermal energy. This makes water-source heat pumps one of the most efficient heating and cooling systems available, capable of delivering significant energy savings over time.

Lower Operating Costs: Though the initial setup cost might be higher than traditional systems, the operational costs are lower. The energy savings realized over time can offset the initial investment.


Initial Investment: The cost to install a water-source heat pump can be higher than traditional systems, especially if modifications to access the water source are required.

Accessibility: Not every homeowner has immediate access to a suitable water source. Those without could face significant barriers to installation, including regulatory approvals and the physical construction required to use a distant water source.

Maintenance: While generally low maintenance, these systems can require more upkeep than traditional HVAC systems, especially to ensure the water source remains clean and free of debris that could clog or damage the system.

Regulatory and Environmental Considerations: There may be local regulations governing the use of natural water sources for heating and cooling, including permits required for drawing water or discharging it back into the environment.

Getting the Most Out of Heat Pumps

  • Regular Maintenance: Like all HVAC equipment, heat pumps perform best when regularly serviced. This includes checking filters, ducts, and the heat exchanger.

  • Smart Thermostats: Utilizing smart thermostats can enhance efficiency by adjusting temperatures based on usage patterns, occupancy, and weather forecasts.

  • Proper Sizing: Ensuring your heat pump is correctly sized for your home is crucial for efficiency. An oversized or undersized system will not perform optimally and can lead to increased wear and tear.

  • Installation: Professional installation is key. Poorly installed heat pumps may underperform, leading to discomfort and higher energy bills.

  • Insulation and Sealing: Improving your home’s insulation and sealing leaks can significantly enhance the effectiveness of a heat pump by reducing the amount of energy needed to heat or cool your home.

In Summary

  • Pros: High efficiency; lower operating costs; can provide both heating and cooling; reduced carbon emissions; eligible for various rebates and incentives.

  • Cons: Higher initial installation cost (particularly for GSHPs); performance can vary with the external temperature (mainly ASHPs in extreme cold); requires careful sizing and professional installation.

Our Process

  • First, we begin with our initial assessment of your existing pump to see whether it needs some minor repairs or a full replacement. 

  • If replacement is needed we then start to consider the space of the building, and your desired energy efficiency to pick the best pump right for you.

  • We Then begin installation and thorough testing and calibrate the thermostat or control system to make sure the readings are accurate. 

Our process is simple and straightforward, which is how we like to keep it. So you can be assured that when working with us all of your questions and concerns will be properly addressed. 

heat pump repair, heat pump installation, and heat pump servicing.
  • What are the benefits of using a heat pump?

    Heat pumps are energy-efficient as they transfer heat rather than generate it. They provide both heating and cooling, reduce carbon emissions, and can lower energy bills.

  • How often does a heat pump need maintenance?

    It's recommended to have professional maintenance at least once a year to ensure reliable operation.

  • Can heat pumps work in extremely cold temperatures?

    Modern heat pumps are effective even in cold climates. They can operate in temperatures as low as -15°F, though efficiency may lessen as it gets colder.

  • What's the lifespan of a heat pump?

    The average lifespan of a heat pump is about 10-15 years, though this can vary based on the model, usage, and maintenance.

  • Is it more cost-effective to repair or replace an old heat pump?

    If your heat pump is over 10 years old, frequently needs repairs, or isn’t as good as it used to be, replacing it may be more cost-effective. New models are more energy-efficient and reliable.


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