If you have any questions about our services or about HVAC services in general? Browse below to find the answer to the most common questions on the topic of HVAC Repair.


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HVAC System Questions....

  • What does HVAC stand for?

    HVAC stands for Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning.

  • How often should HVAC filters be changed?

    Generally, HVAC filters should be changed every 90 days for typical households and every 30-60 days in homes with pets or allergy sufferers.

  • What is the average lifespan of an HVAC system?

    Most HVAC systems last between 15-20 years, depending on the type and maintenance.

  • How often should my HVAC system be serviced?

    It's recommended to service your HVAC system annually.

  • Why is my HVAC system making a loud noise?

    Loud noises can be due to loose parts, debris in the system, or a malfunctioning motor. In this case, an inspection is advised To determine the nature of the cause and in what part of your HVAC system.

  • What's the difference between a heat pump and a furnace?

    A furnace generates heat by burning fuel, while a heat pump moves existing heat from outside to inside your home.

  • Can a programmable thermostat save money?

    Yes, programmable thermostats can save money by optimizing heating and cooling schedules.

  • What temperature should I set my thermostat in winter?

    For energy efficiency, set it around 68°F when you're at home and lower it when you're asleep or away.

  • How do I know if I need a new HVAC system?

    If your system is over 15 years old, frequently needs repairs, or isn't heating or cooling effectively, it might be time for a new one.

  • Why is my AC not cooling my house?

    Causes can include a dirty air filter, low refrigerant levels, or issues with the compressor.

Heat Pump Questions....

  • What are the benefits of using a heat pump?

    Heat pumps are energy-efficient as they transfer heat rather than generate it. They provide both heating and cooling, reduce carbon emissions, and can lower energy bills.

  • How often does a heat pump need maintenance?

    It's recommended to have professional maintenance at least once a year to ensure reliable operation.

  • Can heat pumps work in extremely cold temperatures?

    Modern heat pumps are effective even in cold climates. They can operate in temperatures as low as -15°F, though efficiency may lessen as it gets colder.

  • What's the lifespan of a heat pump?

    The average lifespan of a heat pump is about 10-15 years, though this can vary based on the model, usage, and maintenance.

  • Is it more cost-effective to repair or replace an old heat pump?

    If your heat pump is over 10 years old, frequently needs repairs, or isn’t as good as it used to be, replacing it may be more cost-effective. New models are more energy-efficient and reliable.

Boiler Questions.....

  • What are the signs that my boiler needs servicing?

    Signs include unusual noises, water leaks, inconsistent heating, higher energy bills, and the boiler turning off unexpectedly. If you notice any of these, it’s time for a service check.

  • How often should I get my boiler serviced?

    It's recommended to service your boiler annually. Regular servicing ensures safety  and can prevent costly repairs.

  • Are old boilers still efficient?

    While older boilers can be less efficient than modern units, regular maintenance can improve their efficiency. However, if your boiler is over 15 years old, you might consider replacing it with a more energy-efficient model.

  • What does a boiler service include?

    A typical boiler service includes checking and cleaning the components, ensuring everything is functioning properly, inspecting for leaks or damage, and testing for safe and efficient operation.

  • Is it worth repairing an old boiler or should I replace it?

    This depends on the age and condition of the boiler. If it’s frequently breaking down or parts are hard to find, it might be more cost-effective to replace it. A new boiler will likely be more energy-efficient and reliable.

Radiant Floor Heating Questions....

  • How do I know if my furnace needs repair?

    Signs of furnace repair include strange noises, a yellow pilot light, frequent cycling, a drop in heating efficiency, or an increase in energy bills.

  • How often should a furnace be serviced?

    It's recommended to have your furnace serviced annually to ensure efficient operation and prevent unexpected breakdowns.

  • What's the average cost of a furnace repair?

    The cost varies based on the issue but typically ranges from $100 to $600. Major repairs, like replacing a heat exchanger, can cost more.

  • Can I repair my furnace myself?

    Basic maintenance like filter changes can be DIY, but more complex repairs should be handled by a professional due to safety and complexity.

  • How long does a typical furnace repair take?

    Most repairs can be completed in a few hours, though this depends on the problem's complexity and parts availability.

  • What is the lifespan of a furnace?

    A well-maintained furnace typically lasts between 15-20 years. Regular maintenance can help extend its lifespan.

  • Why is my furnace blowing cold air?

    This could be due to a variety of issues, including a faulty thermostat, a problem with the pilot light or ignition system, or overheating.

  • Is it better to repair or replace my furnace?

    If your furnace is over 15 years old, frequently needs repairs, or repair costs are more than half the price of a new furnace, replacement might be more cost-effective.

  • What maintenance can I do to prevent furnace repairs?

    Regularly changing the air filter, keeping the area around the furnace clean, and scheduling annual professional maintenance can help prevent repairs. We have a more detailed overview on this in our blog directory.

  • Can a dirty filter cause furnace problems?

    Yes, a clogged air filter can restrict airflow, causing the furnace to overheat and potentially shut down. Regularly changing the filter is essential.

Furnace Questions.....

  • What is radiant floor heating?

    Radiant floor heating is a system that heats your home from the floor up through a network of tubing or electric heating elements installed beneath the floor surface. It provides even, comfortable warmth across the entire room.

  • How does radiant floor heating work?

    There are two main types: hydronic (using hot water running through pipes) and electric (using electrical coils). They heat the floor, which then radiates warmth throughout the room from the ground up.

  • Can radiant floor heating be installed under any type of flooring?

    It is compatible with various types of flooring, including tile, concrete, vinyl, and some types of wood. However, the efficiency may vary depending on the flooring material's thermal conducting properties.

  • Is radiant floor heating energy-efficient?

    Yes, it is more energy-efficient than traditional heating systems because it heats the space evenly at a lower temperature and minimizes heat loss.

  • How long does a radiant floor heating system last?

    A well-installed and maintained system can last up to 35 years, which is longer than most conventional heating systems.

  • Can radiant floor heating be used as the primary heat source?

    Absolutely. When properly installed and sized, radiant floor heating can serve as the primary heating source for a home.

  • How much does it cost to install radiant floor heating?

    The cost varies depending on the type (hydronic or electric), the size of the area, and the complexity of the installation. Generally, electric systems are cheaper to install but more expensive to operate than hydronic systems.

  • How long does it take to install radiant floor heating?

    Installation time can vary widely based on the system type and project size. Generally, it can take anywhere from a few days to a week for an average-sized home.

  • Does radiant floor heating require a lot of maintenance?

    Radiant floor heating systems require minimal maintenance. Hydronic systems may need occasional checks for leaks and pressure issues, while electric systems are virtually maintenance-free.

  • Can I control the temperature in individual rooms with radiant floor heating?

    Yes, you can control the temperature room-by-room using zoning valves or thermostats, making it a highly customizable heating option.

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